Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Answer to the previous problem:
(1) Two ways, with the queen or with the knight: Qxd4 or Nxd4.
(2) There are two white knights, so this was a trick question. One of them is on f3, the other is on b1

Extra credit
(1) There are three different stages of chess games and they are : 
(i) Opening
(ii) Middle game
(iii) End game.

(2) Any pawn (not just the pawn landing on the queen's square) that  can travel all the way to the last rank can become a queen. 


Here are today's problem: 
(1) White has an extra rook and it has a pawn almost about to queen. But it is black's turn. Can black win here?

(2)What are 'ranks' and 'files' in chess? 

(3) Among opening, middle game and end game, which one is the most important and most difficult to learn? 

Extra credit problem (smaller picture):
Black has to find a way to win here!

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