Saturday, June 16, 2012


Answer to the previous problem:

(1) Knight  (2) It went from b1 to c3
(2) Rook    (1) It went from c1 to g5
(3) Bishop  (3) It went from h7 to d7.

Todays Note:

The chess pieces have some values. Some are more valuable than the others. The King is the most valuable piece and it is priceless. So Kings safety is the most important goal in chess.

Once your king is safe, the next most important goal is to attack the opponent king. But doing this directly is difficult. You have to first try to attack it's defenders. Here is a list to show the values of each of the chessmen. 

But the values change depending on the position and condition of the game. The most mysterious piece on the board is the Knight. 

The Queen
9 points
The Rook.
5 points
The Bishop
3 points
The Knight
3 points
The Pawn
1 point

The pawn is a dreamer. What do you want to be when you grow up? Every pawn dreams to become a Queen when it grows up. 
Here is Today's problem: 
(1)  Black has just captured a white pawn. How many ways can white capture it back? 
(2)  What square  is the white knight located? 

Extra credit: 
(1) What are the different stages of a chess game?
(2) How can a pawn become a Queen ? 

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