Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Here are the correct answers to the previous problem set:  (1)  The answer is simple :
Black to play wins because  there is a one move mate!!!
1.  ...  Qe3 # mate!!!
(2)  'ranks'  are rows, the path a pawn would walk  in fulfilling its dream to become a queen.  Every pawn has this dream, to become a  queen one day.
The  'files'  are the columns. You would often hear the phrases "open file"   "closed file" or "semi-open file".  We will learn what they  mean later, but for now,  remember that   'files'  mean columns. (3) Endgame indeed! Chess Endgame is the most difficult stage of the game.
1.  ....    Rxd3+
2. Kxd3  Nc5+ (fork!) 3. Ke3    Nxb7


Today's problems: 
(1) Note down the moves of the white knight so that it can capture all the pawns in the shortest possible way.
 (2) Which one is more powerful? The knight or the Bishop? 
 (3) What is Castling? 
 (4) Can a King Castle after it has moved? 
